At The Guildhall and Barrow Surgery, we are currently using remote working and video consultation software, approved by the West Suffolk CCG, to enable us to interact safely with our patients without the need for a face to face appointment wherever possible. Within video consultations, your consent as a patient or service user is implied by accepting the invite and entering the consultation. We safeguard personal/confidential patient information in the same way we would with any other consultation; by making sure you are in a private space, by validating the identity you as the patient verbally at the outset of the consultation.
Any information shared within the surgery is done so with the utmost security, whether in the practice or remotely. Any remote working devices are approved by the West Suffolk CCG, and all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of the device are taken. Personal and confidential patient information is only used when absolutely necessary and at your consent.
Sending of photographs
During COVID-19 we may ask you to send a photograph of your condition, for example, a bruise or rash / skin condition that you are concerned about whilst we conduct virtual consultations. This photograph will be used by the clinician to determine any medical treatment necessary and will be added to your medical record. Please note that, where this is sent via email, it may not be secure we therefore we ask that you only include your NHS number alongside your photograph in the email. The photograph should only be of the area requested and no other person should be visible in the shot.